A 24 hour cubs sleepover with the twist that we all stay at home.
Main Hall
All the activities from the day
12noon - Welcome to the Zoo
Welcome to our virtual zoo! Our opening ceremony will open at 12:05 and should start at 12:10. We had so many groups interested so we will be running two Zoom calls with the same content please choose either call one or call two to join. Please wear your uniform and necker!
Get your investigating hat ready because we have a scavenger hunt for you! Download the attached pdf, find as many of the items on the list as you can in your own home, then take a photo and share it with us! Have fun!
Over the weekend we would love you to share your pictures of what you have been doing in the comments below (have a look in the Parents Coffee Lounge for more information about this and information about Zoom too).
1:00pm - Choose your specialist animal
Over the sleepover you will get the opportunity to find out lots about an animal that you have chosen. Your task is to try and create your animal (or any other) from whatever junk items you have. Let your creativity go wild! Here are some ideas.
​Take an artistic picture of your animal, maybe try an interesting angle. Does taking the picture looking through something give it an interesting effect? Could you find a way of making it look like the animal is in the wild? Share your results with us!
2:00pm - Animal Carnival
Your next task is to use your junk model creation, and whatever other characters you like, to create a story. You could act out the performance, draw a comic strip, write a short story, make a puppet show - then share your creation.
3:00pm - Animal Research
Next up is a short research project. All good zoologists are animal experts, so you will also need to show that you really know your stuff if you want to become a zookeeper. Use books and websites to research an animal of your choice (using the considerations below) and then present your scientific findings to your family.
For the Digital Citizen Badge:
Decide of an animal of interest
Find three websites that match your area of interest
Collect relevant information
Design a presentation about what you have found out. Could be paper based or electronic, 1 page or a couple of slides.
Where the animal comes from
What kind of habitat they live in
What food they eat
Are they likely to escape
How many animals you would like in their enclosure (are they solo or herd?)
4:00pm - Test your Knowledge
We would love you to give us your ideas for what the badges for this event should look like. As the first step for your design, please draw around a cup/mug/glass so they have a neat shape and it is big enough for us to see. Then draw your badge design in the circle and take a photo!
Try to test your animal knowledge with our fun quiz. Comment how you did below with a picture of your badge. Click here for the quiz.
5:00pm - Set up Camp
All good animal experts need to know how to survive in the wild. So your task is to make a den/shelter and spend the night in it instead of your bed. Think about all the things you might need to pack and what materials you could use to make your den/shelter. Send us a photo of your architectural triumph!
You could use
Sleeping bag
Enjoy your meal with your family. Could you set the table, help clear up or do the washing up?
The next activity will be at 7:00pm
7:00pm - Being a Zookeeper
Being a zookeeper involves a lot of responsibilities. Draw yourself (or someone else) as a zookeeper. Don’t forget to include all of the equipment that they might use. Write around the edge of your picture about what tasks they do throughout the day.
To help you with what a zookeeper does in their day, here is a video from LeighAnn, an actual zookeeper.
8:00pm - Camp Out
Tonight we are going to have a virtual campfire. Out campfire song book is attached so you can sing along!
We will be on two calls again so please choose from the details below.
We hope you have a clear sky so you can try and spot some constellations named after animals! Here is how you can spot them.
9:00pm - Bedtime Story
Lior (from 1st Ealing North Cubs) will live stream a 20minute story.
This will be on the same zoom call as the campfire.
8:00am - Feeding time at the Zoo
Good morning campers and zookeepers! It’s now feeding time at the zoo, can you make an animal or animal face out of your breakfast? Before the next activity remember to have your den/shelter all packed away, because a zookeeper needs to keep the habitats nice and tidy.
9:00am - Animal Exercise
Being a zookeeper is a lot of hard work. So exercise is important for you and the animals, so watch this morning exercise video! Thank you Lizzie from 77th Cubs for this!
10:00am - Animal Habitats
Our virtual zoo is hiring you to design an enclosure for the animal you have researched. We would love to see your creative flair but don’t forget to label the features and why you want them. You should use the information on your animals natural habitat that you learnt from your research. If you want some inspiration for what zoo enclosures look like, check out some of the livestreams from zoos below! Don’t forget to take a picture and show off all your hard work.
Here are some live cameras to enclosures in different zoos so you can get some inspiration.
11:00am - Animal Crafts
Even zookeepers need a break from all the hard work. So why not try making a paper model of one of the most beautiful insects - the butterfly! Instructions below. Decorate your butterfly and take a photo to share!
Poster for our Virtual Zoo
Our virtual zoo has been growing over the weekend, but if we want our zoo to be a success, we are going to need some posters. So we would like you to design a poster for our virtual zoo. We want your designs to be wild! You can draw it on paper or design it on a computer.
Make an animal mask
Try making an animal mask. You could use a paper plate, card or cardboard as the base. Then cut out the shapes and decorate! Do your best impression of your animal too!
Animal Hand Shapes
Find a lamp or a torch and create a spotlight against a blank surface like a wall. By holding your hands between the light and the wall, try to make shadow puppets in the shapes of animals in our zoo!
Closing Ceremony
Our closing ceremony will open about 11:55, to start about 12:00.
Thank you to Tim and Annabelle for running our campfire, Lior for reading our bedtime story, Lizzie for our exercise session this morning, and LeighAnn for her video about being a zoo keeper and cute animal pictures. And thank you all of you for joining in.
After the closing ceremony please get your adult to fill in this form so we can tick off what you have done to send your leaders for badges.
Animal Treats
New England Zoo - If you cannot wait for the sleepover to begin or have some spare time during your activities, here are some bonus treats for you to enjoy.
New England Zoo has colouring in, dot to dots, how to draw and more! Colouring in, Dot to dot, How to draw and more
Coloring.ws has colouring in of nearly all animals you can think of!
This game involves 2-3 players. So you will need a sibling or a parent/guardian to play. Instructions below. Lets see what crazy creations you can make. Try using different animal body parts!
Over this sleepover you do nearly everything you need to get stage 1 digital citizen, the last part is about different parts of your computer. Can you work out where the different parts are on your computer. Below is a sheet to help you.